How to Start a Conversation With a Girl

Top 5 things that can make you bore your partner in a relationship

“What makes you boring is how you think of yourself, your failure to frame things in the right way, and how to hold a conversation - treatrelationships

One thing I have observed in ladies is their hatred for boredom especially if it is caused by their partner. They love an interesting man who will always make them long for more time to see and chat.
Imagine if you are in a relationship and anytime you have a discussion with your partner you always get short answers from him/her. This will make the relationship boring and lack the essential ingredient for growth.

For example, 

You: Have you eaten?

Your partner: No

You: why have you decided not to take something?

Your partner: Nothing

You: Is everything okay?

Your partner: yes

If you are in such situation, you will get tired and bored easily because the answers are too short and don't give a room for further lively and interesting discussion.

Below are the top 5 things that can bore your partner

1.  Your response is always “yes” or “no”

These two answers are very boring because they show how dry you are. At least, one of the purposes of communication is to initiate intimacy and the growth of the relationship. You will bore your partner a lot if you lack the skill to take every of your discussion further or to shed more light on it. However, this doesn’t mean you should be talkative.

2.  When you have no hobby

Lack of hobby is one of the reasons why some people are boring. Having no spare-time activity that you engage in can limit your communication ability. I always consider partners who share the same hobby as fortunate because they will have a lot to discuss outside each person’s normal activity.

3.  When you are afraid to express yourself

Fear kills self-confidence and also makes you unnecessarily mute. You can’t enjoy your relationship if you are always afraid to express yourself and this will make you bore your partner a lot.

4.  When you are predictable in terms of what you do and say: nothing new about you. For instance, if you are the type that complains a lot or like to talk about yourself, chances are high that you will bore your partner. Because he/she knows that when you are with him/her, you have nothing except to complain or talk about yourself.

5.  When you are not willing to break out of your comfort zone

This happens when you are too comfortable with where you are and you aren’t willing to explore new experiences. The more you explore the more interesting you become and develop the skill to frame things in the right way during a conversation with your partner.

Lastly, all listening and no talking, or all talking and no listening will make you bore your partner 1000000 times.
