A relationship should be enjoyable, full of fun and a lovely
adventure. But sometimes, the kind of a relationship some people get into is a
cheat and deceitful. In most cases, they are lost in it and don’t know the way
out. Nothing makes people see you as being dumb and dull as when they see the
way you are being overridden by your partner. Notwithstanding, they stay put in
the relationship hoping the situation will change automatically. No situation
changes on its own accord unless you do something about it.
Before a man could take a woman for a ride he already knew that such woman doesn’t have the gut to break-up the relationship despite the abuse. Of a truth, I am not
always pleased with an oppressive relationship. At least, it is required of a
man to treat you like a woman and make you have a sense of self-worth. But if
this isn't the case, you must be able to read the signs before you get
entangled in such a relationship.
7 signs to look out for to know if your man is taking you
for a ride are:
1. He is dominance
There is a difference between leadership and dominance. A
good leader will lead by example and not lord it over you. But if a man shows
dominance in a relationship then it means he will want to coarse you, think and take
decisions for you. At least, freedom should be one of your rights in a
relationship: freedom of expression, freedom to take a decision, freedom to
choose etc. Meanwhile, a relationship shouldn’t be an end to rights and
privileges that you have. You should not forget he is not yet your husband. Even if he is your
husband, it doesn't mean he should be disrepectful and dominance. Dominance is one of
the signs that he will be a bad husband.
2. Overprotectiveness
This happens when he is insecure. And it is because he knows
he hasn’t been fair in the relationship. Overprotectiveness isn’t a sign of
love but a sign he wants to rid you of any good suitor that may come your way.
The following are what he tries to do when he is
i. He frequently
checks your daily calls and messages.
ii. Whenever he sees
you with a man he gets angry and can even beat you up for it.
iii. He doesn’t want
to see friends around you
I believe if he has been treating you well then he won’t
lose his sleep over you.
3. He is not appreciative
Nothing satisfies him and nothing moves him to appreciate
you. Rather, he gets demanding and asking for what is beyond your capacity to
4. He has no value for
your views or opinion
Your opinion doesn’t matter to him on any issue because he
has little or no value for you.
“Show me a man who values
your opinion and I will show you a man who values you”
5. He doesn’t
communicate well
Are you the only one calling? Hmm…you are in for something.
Is he always busy to pick your calls or your calls get him angry? Frankly
speaking, I have never seen a man, who is too busy not to return the calls of
people that matters to him.
Although, when calls or text messages become excessive, it
becomes irritating. But if your call is within the tolerable range and he is
still irritated then it is a sign that he doesn’t take you seriously.
6. He is secretive
Being secretive is a sign he is taking you for a ride. It
also implies you don't have access to anything that pertains to him.
7. He is not proud to
introduce you to his friends
If this is a frequent occurrence then it means he doesn’t
want to take the relationship further with you.
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